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- ELEC End-of-Year Central Council/General Assembly (Friday 29 November 2024)
- ELEC End-of-Year Dinner Round Table Debate: “Competitiveness and innovation in the EU, the way forward.” (Thursday 28 November 2024)
- ELEC Mid-year Central Council/General Assembly (Tuesday 18 June 2024)
- ELEC Mid-year Conference “The future of the Euro and the future of Bulgaria in the Euro Zone” (Monday 17 June 2024)
- Presentation of the MED & Italian Energy Report 2023 (Wednesday 06 December 2023)
- ELEC/LECE International End-of-year Central Council/General Assembly (Friday 01 December 2023)
- ELEC/LECE International Annual Round Table Debate (Thursday 30 November 2023)
- ELEC/LECE MED Conference ‘Towards More Inclusive Economies: Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Mediterranean Region’ (Wednesday 20 September 2023)
- Towards fostering a virtuous circle on Sustainable Finance in the EU , will Europe drive the global agenda setting? (Wednesday 28 June 2023)
- Internationalization of the Euro and creation of the EU Capital Markets Union (Friday 16 June 2023)
- ELEC Conference and Mid-Year Central Council (Thursday 01 June 2023)
- Is the International Monetary and Financial System fit for the Financing of the Ecological Transition? (Tuesday 28 March 2023)
- ELEC Central Council/General Assembly (Friday 02 December 2022)
- ELEC International Annual Conference (Thursday 01 December 2022)
- Paris: Economic and Social Commission (Tuesday 15 November 2022)
- EU Financing of energy production Euro-Med Gas hub Win/Win for EU and Mediterranean countries (Thursday 07 July 2022)
- Mid-year Central Council (Tuesday 07 June 2022)
- Paris (Hybrid): Economic & Social Commission on Industrial Politics (Thursday 12 May 2022)
- Webinar: Europe in the new international geopolitical dynamics. A new model of international relations with China with M. Jean-Pierre Raffarin. (Tuesday 03 May 2022)
- Webinar: The Future of Swiss-EU Relations (Thursday 07 April 2022)
- Year-end Central Council (Friday 03 December 2021)
- ELEC LECE 75th Anniversary (2 December, 2021) (Thursday 02 December 2021)
- Paris: International Economic and social commission on the Europe/Africa relations (Tuesday 12 October 2021)
- ELEC/LECE France and HEC with Christine Lagarde (Thursday 16 September 2021)
- ELEC participates in Intesa San Paolo’s debate on the future of Europe (Wednesday 30 June 2021)
- VI Conference of Mediterranean Central Bank Governors (Online) (Monday 28 June 2021)
- Aktuelle Notenbankfragen – Krisenbewältigung, Green Finance, Digitale Währungen (Holzmann) (Wednesday 16 June 2021)
- Cohesion policies in Europe (Tuesday 11 May 2021)
- Paris (online and on site) (Tuesday 11 May 2021)
- Online seminar (Wednesday 21 April 2021)
- Online seminar (Wednesday 21 April 2021)
- Aktuelle EU-Fragen – Insbesondere Banken-, Kapitalmarktunion (Waiglein) (Wednesday 07 April 2021)
- Economic & Social Commission (Tuesday 26 January 2021)
- Year-end Central Council (Tuesday 08 December 2020)
- Die wirtschaftspolitische Corona Krisenbewältigung in der EU (Wieser) (Thursday 26 November 2020)
- Extraordinary Central Council (Monday 05 October 2020)
- Summer Central Council – Bucharest (Friday 05 June 2020)
- Monetary Commission Conference – Bucharest (RO) (Thursday 04 June 2020)
- Economic & Social Commission (Thursday 19 March 2020)
- Die Prioritäten der von der Leyen Kommission (Selmayr) (Tuesday 11 February 2020)
- Mediterranean Commission: Promoting Blue Tourism in the Mediterranean (Wednesday 30 October 2019)
- Economic & Social Commission (Tuesday 08 October 2019)
- The International Role of the Euro and its implications for global economic governance – Brussels (BE) (Tuesday 11 June 2019)
- Monetary Commission Conference – Bucharest (RO) (Saturday 06 April 2019)
- Economic Integration and Co-Development (Thursday 04 October 2018)
- Mediterranean Commission: Socioeconomic challenges in a changing Mediterranean (Friday 29 September 2017)
- Niedrigzinsen und Bundesfinanzierung (Steiner) (Wednesday 27 September 2017)
- Debate (Tuesday 27 June 2017)
- Lecture (Thursday 22 June 2017)
- Conference (Bucharest) (Thursday 18 May 2017)
- Breakfast debate (Thursday 18 May 2017)
- Session (Monday 27 March 2017)
- Luncheon debate (Thursday 23 March 2017)