Agriculture and environment
Economic and social
Energy and Infrastructure
Agriculture and environment
Bogdan BAZGA (Romania)
Former presidents:
2007-2018: Valeriu STERIU (Romania)
2003-2006: Michel JACQUOT (France)
1996-2002: Rudolf STRASSER (Austria)
Upcoming events
Past events
Economic and social
Philippe JURGENSEN (France)
Former president:
Until 1999: Olivier GISCARD d’ESTAING (France)
Upcoming events
Past events
Internationalization of the Euro and creation of the EU Capital Markets Union
Friday 16 June 2023
Paris (BRED)
Paris: Economic and Social Commission
Tuesday 15 November 2022
Paris (Hybrid): Economic & Social Commission on Industrial Politics
Thursday 12 May 2022
Energy and Infrastructure
Former presidents:
2004-2009: Klaus MILZ (Germany)
1999-2004: Ottokar HAHN (Germany)
Until 1998: André CELLARD (France) “Transport” Commission
Upcoming events
Past events
Senén Florensa (Spain)
Upcoming events
Past events
ELEC/LECE MED Conference ‘Towards More Inclusive Economies: Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Mediterranean Region’
Wednesday 20 September 2023
Palau de Pedralbes, Barcelona, Spain
EU Financing of energy production Euro-Med Gas hub Win/Win for EU and Mediterranean countries
Thursday 07 July 2022
by Franz Nauschnigg
Mediterranean Commission: Promoting Blue Tourism in the Mediterranean
Wednesday 30 October 2019
XV Annual Conference of the Mediterranean Commission of the European League for Economic Co-Operation -ELEC- Palma de Mallorca (ES)
Menno MIDDELDORP (Netherlands)
Former presidents:
2006-2020: Wim BOONSTRA (Netherlands)
2002-2006: Jean-Jacques REY (Belgium)
1996-2002: Bernard SNOY (Belgium)
Presidents of the “Kronberg” meetings:
Until 2007: Rolf BREUER (Germany)
Until 1998: Wilfried GUTH (Germany)
Upcoming events
Past events
Monetary Commission Conference – Bucharest (RO)
Thursday 04 June 2020
The International Role of the Euro and its implications for global economic governance – Brussels (BE)
Tuesday 11 June 2019
The International Role of the Euro and its implications for global economic governance
Monetary Commission Conference – Bucharest (RO)
Saturday 06 April 2019
The main topic of the conference is: "Convergence towards euro enlargement"
Bernard SNOY (Belgium)
Former presidents:
2004-2009: Giselbert SCHMIDBURG (Austria)
Until 2004: Michael PALMER (United Kingdom)
Former “Enlargement Commission” – President:
Michael PALMER (United Kingdom)