This meeting is cancelled. A new date will be communicated.
Topic: “Cohesion policies in Europe : a retrospective and prospective view”.
Venue: Representation of the European Commission, 288, boulevard Saint-Germain à Paris (75007) – 10am – 5pm
- – The economic and social convergence of the less favored countries of the EU since their accession: its pace, its scale, its sustainability[1]. To what extent is it due to EU financial transfers, and in particular to the ERDF, the ESF, the Cohesion Fund[2]?
- – What are the prospects in this area within the framework of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial program, taking into account the budgetary consequences of Brexit?
- – In the future, should we favor geographic criteria (rural, peripheral, island, isolated, etc.), social criteria (income level, unemployment, etc.) or environmental criteria (fight against climate change, biodiversity)?
- – What are the prospects for the new “Fund for a just transition” announced in the program of the new European Commission in favor of “people and regions most affected”. Is there not a risk of administrative complications and excessive dispersal of resources?
- – How to analyze European cohesion policies in view of the “greening” of the European strategy: “Green Pact for Europe”, transformation of the EIB into European Climate Bank, investment plan of one billion euros for a sustainable Europe “in every corner of the EU”[3].
The speakers participating in this debate will be:
- – Jean-François DREVET, Associate Professor of Geography, author of “Histoire de la politique régionale de l’UE”;
- – Stefan APPEL, Head of Unit of the DG Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission;
- – Thomas LENK, Minister-Counselor in charge of the economy at the German Embassy in France;
- – Branimir BOTEV, President of the European Institute of Strategies and Analysis, President of ELEC Bulgaria;
- – Enric PICANYOL ROIG, lawyer, Secretary general of ELEC Spain;
- – Xavier TIMBEAU, Director of the OFCE (French Economic Observatory)
We kindly request those able to take part to write in:
– either with LECE’s (French league) secretary ship of the Economic and Social Commission in Paris, by email: [email protected] or by phone: +33 1 45 65 98 76.
– or with the Belgian office in Brussels by mail: [email protected]
[1] The program of the new European Commission presented by Ursula von der LEYEN indicates that “cohesion funds play a crucial role in helping our regions and rural areas from east to west and from north to south to keep pace with the changes in our world. But we have to do more. ”
[2] See the 7th report on European cohesion published by the Brussels Commission in September 2017.
[3] See the communication published by the European Commission on this subject in January 2020.
* The lunch (cost: 20€) will be a light buffet for those who wish to stay on the spot. It is also easy to find restaurants and pubs in the neighbourhood for a quick time (the lunch break shall last one hour).