ELEC Commission Viewpoints

Economic and Social

The Economic and Social Convergence of the European Union: delusion or necessity? (June 2018)
“Unemployment and migration/immigration in Europe”: truths and proposals (June 2017)
The future of international trade, investments and trade negotiations (June 2016)
Population ageing and its economic and social consequences in Europe (dec 2015)
Towards tax harmonization in Europe? (may 2015)
Do we need a policy to reindustrialise the European Union and how should it be steered? (june 2014)
Contribution of banks to economic upturn (dec 2013)
Europe and energy (june 2013)
Quel avenir pour le modèle social européen? (dec12)
Relancer les investissements et la croissance en Europe (jun12)
Gouvernance Ă©conomique pour l’Euroland (dec11)
Clefs de la compĂ©titivitĂ© future de l’UE dans l’Ă©conomie mondialisĂ©e (jun11)
Situation et perspectives des Ă©changes internationaux (jun10)
Fiscal stimulus, control of the public debt and recovery from the crisis (oct09)
Higher learning, research and innovation in Europe (mar09)
Reforming world governance (nov08)
The effects of EU enlargement (apr08)
Economic nationalism or European patriotism? (apr07)
Enterprise in Europe (dec06)
Multi-lateral trade negotiation and balance-of-payments disequilibria (apr06)
Necessary adjustments to demographic ageing (nov05)
Relocation of businesses and the risk of de-industrialisation in Europe (may05)
Budgetary and financial prospects for the EU (dec04)
Job protection and growth (jun04)
Failure of Cancun (oct03)
Control of public expenditure (jun03)
Taxation on savings in the EU (sep01)
ELEC reaction at the terrorist attacks of 11 September (sep01)
Establishing a reliable long-term pensions system in Europe (nov00)
No immigration without integration (nov00)
European policies amidst the globalisation of trade (jun00)
Improving the job situation in Europe (jun00)
Fiscal policy (dec99)
Pension funds (dec99)
Duty free shops in the EU (mar99)
Aims and means of a European social policy (nov97)

  • ELEC position paper: Why EU Capital Markets has become a “must have” and how to get there. – ELEC Group of Wise Persons – February 2024
    full text
  • Report of the Franco-German Working Group on EU Institutional Reform – September 2023
    full text
  • Keynote speech by M. François Villeroy de Galhau – RTI/ELEC Conference – Paris, 16 June 2023
    đź“„full text
  • High hopes: rooting the CMU in sustainable finace by M. Olaf Sleijpen – Madrid, 28 June 2023
    đź“„full text
  • The internationalization of the euro and the creation of the Union of Capital Markets in the EU by M. Bernard Snoy – Suming up of the RTI-ELEC Conference – Paris, 16 June 2023
    full text
  • Supporting the inclusion and application of Schengen to all European Member States
    full text
  • Resetting EMU: a one-off package deal for EMU’s Member States
    full text
  • NBG Working Papers: What we know on Central Bank Digital Currencies (so far) (National Bank of Georgia)
    full text

Cahier Boël

​Copies of the Cahier Boël from before 2002 are only available on paper and can be ordered from the ELEC secretariat.

N° 15 / 04-2011 How to strengthen the European Monetary Union:
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N° 14 / 03-2010 The creation of a European common bond market
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N° 13 / 05-2008 Pan-EU retail banking – what industry wants and consumers need
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N° 12 / 03-2006 Financial Supervision in Europe
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N° 11 / 05-2004 European Economic Governance revisited
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N° 10 / 03-2002 The Euro: Required Steps to Success
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N° 9 / 01-2001 The Enlarged EU: a Wider Role?
N° 8 / 01-2000 The Euro: Next Steps to Success
N° 7 / 09-1998 Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
N° 6 / 06-1997 European Dimension of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
N° 5 / 02-1997 A new European Social Model
N° 4 / 11-1994 The future of Central Europe
N° 3 / 08-1994 Institutional Convergence: a Prerequisite for Monetary Union
N° 2 / 09-1993 Transition Strategies toward Economic and Monetary Union
N° 1 / 04-1993 Environnement